Saturday, February 26, 2011

WeekendWire, Feb. 26

Libya Update
If it wasn’t bad enough in Libya, Colonel Moammar Gadhafi’s forces have now turned ambulances into Trojan horses. That’s right, the wounded in Tripoli that think they are about to be picked up and treated are being shot instead.
It is all smoke and mirrors with Gadhafi, though. Wounded protestors have been removed from hospitals and there are reports of dead body burnings on the beaches.
Hundreds are dead and possibly thousands are expected to be killed.
Tripoli was cleaned on Thursday, with defaced Gadhafi billboards fixed, in preparation of a visit from foreign journalists. Also, state television aired another speech of Gadhafi, this time in the city’s Green Square. He appeared to be addressing thousands of loyalists, but the New York Times points out that there is no way to know if the broadcast was live or pre-recorded. This time he said, “Life without dignity is useless,” urged them to fight to the death and added that “Libya will become hell.” Yeah, because it is so heavenly now.

Shutdown Avoided for Now
The federal government has avoided a shutdown until at least March 18. On Friday, Democrats accepted a Republican plan that calls for the Democrats to agree to $4 billion from the budget. In total, the Republicans are seeking $60 billion in cuts, but this will hold them over.

Ick. Nast.
A London ice cream shop has a new flavor – Baby Gaga, which is made from the breast milk of humans. While I am suppressing my dry heaves over here, not only is the ice cream sold out, people paid $22.50 a serving for it. I have no problem with donor milk for babies – cut to
Salma Hayek -- but grown-ups need to be grown-ups and stick to going to the fro-yo place that has Cinnamon Toast Crunch as a topping. More.

Georgia Congressman Paul Broun got an interesting question at a town hall meeting this week from a member of the audience: Who is going to shoot Obama?
The Republican didn’t really respond, instead he said that he understands the frustration with the president. He later issued a statement where he said he didn’t want to dignify the question with a response, alerted the appropriate authorities after the event and condemned that sort of rhetoric.
While I don’t find his immediate actions offensive, he could have addressed it a la
Senator John McCain and got super sassy like Congressman Barney Frank. Oh no you di-int!!

The Power of the Tweet
A New York homeless man was reunited with his daughter after an 11-year absence with the help of Twitter.
Daniel Morales is participating in a program called “Underheard in New York,” which gave him a prepaid cell phone and set him up with a Twitter account. He put fillers out on the interwebs in hopes of tracking down his 27-year-old daughter, Sarah Rivera, who moved to Puerto Rico in 2000. The two were reunited on Friday.
Wow, Morales tracks his daughter via Twitter, while my dad calls me to walk him through syncing his iPod.

Kinky, Congressman. Kinky.
Remember when I said
there had to be more to the story of the Congressman Chris Lee’s quick resignation after appearing to send just one picture of his married, shirtless torso to a woman on Craigslist? Apparently, there is. Tranny.

Booting the Boot
That’s right,
Jessica Davey, you stick it to the man.

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