Thursday, February 17, 2011

BarbaWire, Feb. 17

But Will It Melt the Rest of the Snow?
Solar flares are coming! This means one of two things. Either we are going to get burned up or this is the sun’s final burp and we are going to freeze. I hate my high school physics teacher for just casually saying that one day the earth will end because the sun is a star and all stars die out. Anyway, apparently this bout of solar flares isn’t the big one. It is just going to mess up your GPS – is this why bus tracker has been so wonky? – and make for pretty northern lights. More.

Union Uprising
Republican lawmakers in Wisconsin are trying to cut government labor unions’ rights and power in an attempt to trim millions of dollars off of its stressed budget. The unions are not pleased and thousands are protesting. Similar fights are expected in several other states that are also trying to cut costs by calling government workers to contribute more to their pension funds and health care.

Don't Be Scared
Guillermo Del Toro – the same guy that wrote and directed
Pan’s Labyrinth – is set to direct a 3-D animated movie based on Pinocchio. The Disney original movie already freaked me out enough as a kid. I would fast-forward during the scene with that scary Stromboli, who was totally a pedo, right? While I loved Pan’s, this is going to give me nightmares. It could be fantastic, but it is still going to give me nightmares. More.

Shrivering in His Singlet
A really good home-schooled wrestler from Iowa has defaulted in a match against a girl because he says his religion prohibits him from touching girls in a “familiar way.” The nice guy in me wants to applaud him for staying true to his beliefs. The other side of me, however, thinks he is just scared. He is either afraid of girls, afraid he will get, uh, familiar, or she will beat him.

Rockin' the Swerve in St. Lucie
Detroit Tigers first baseman Miguel Cabrera was arrested for DUI on Wednesday on Florida’s Treasure Coast, my old stomping grounds.
A St. Lucie County sheriff saw Cabrera’s Land Rover on the side of the road with the engine smoking. As a visibly drunk Cabrera was talking to the police he grabbed a bottle of James Buchanan’s scotch and just kept on drinking. Naturally, he also dropped the oft-repeated celeb line of “Do you know who I am?” Yeah, you’re the dude that’s about to be booked for
Side note: Will Greenlee, the reporter who broke this story, was such a fun co-worker during my time at Scripps. He used to call me a cracker-ass cracker. Long story, just laugh.

It's Art
British graffiti artist Banksy has apparently arrived in Los Angeles. Banksy’s documentary, "Exit Through the Gift Shop," is up for best documentary at the Feb. 27 Academy Awards and so naturally the stealth artist is putting his mark all over the city in what appears to be his way of garnering buzz for among voters. Everyone has their shtick, right? Banksy spray paints billboards, Melissa Leo uses her
Cougar Life profile pictures to get votes.
Here is my favorite Banksy piece. It is on the Israeli West Bank barrier.

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