Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stepped down on Friday after mounting pressure from both thousands of protesters and the White House. On Thursday he tried compromising by transferring his presidential authority to his vice president, but retaining his title. That didn't go over well. So, he had a change of heart, got the hell out of town and went to his place near the Red Sea (He is probably in Florida.). His Vice President Omar Suleiman announced the resignation.
I listened to English Al Jazeera online for about an hour today and it was breathtaking to hear the sheer jubilance of the Egyptians. Look! The photo above is from this set.
The fall of Mubarak could potentially have a trickle effect across the Middle East.
I found this essay particularly noteworthy.
I found this essay particularly noteworthy.
And while I find Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to be off his rocker, I like to know what he is thinking.
Here Is Your Tie I Borrowed (in 2004)
If this was one of those gossip magazines, this story would be in the “Celebs: Just like us!” section. They borrow clothes and wait seven years to give them back!
Palin Impersonators > Palin
While Sarah Palin was off doing mama grizzly stuff, this Wasilla tundra flower decided to drop in at Conservative Political Action Conference. I think I like this one better.
She puns! But she needs to work on that accent. Take notes from the expert, lady.
Deadly Booty
Look, I know it is imperative to be able to make it clap, but it is not worth losing your life over! More.
Deadly Booty
Look, I know it is imperative to be able to make it clap, but it is not worth losing your life over! More.
I understand the need to cut corners in this economy, but I will never comprehend budget plastic surgery. My cousin’s ex-girlfriend (and mother of his child!) went to Oklahoma because boob jobs are cheaper there. Yeah. She was doing it to advance her career. On the pole. Not joking. Not at all.
Ya Think?
On Friday Groupon finally figured out how bad their Super Bowl ads were and pulled them. Some people don’t like it when you make light of dire situations to drum up business. As my roommate aptly said, “Not only are they offensive, but they are also unfunny.”
The ads were supposed to be dual purposed – both promoting Groupon and to raise awareness for the causes it trivialized, however that second part never gelled and the company just ended up looking, well, like jackasses.
Ingmar Guandique was sentenced to 60 years in prison for the 2001 murder of Chandra Levy, a FBI intern. Guandique continues to say he is innocent. Levy’s mother had some choice words for the convicted killer. While I doubt this does much to heal the pain she is feeling, I am guessing this felt damn good. Sad.
Ingmar Guandique was sentenced to 60 years in prison for the 2001 murder of Chandra Levy, a FBI intern. Guandique continues to say he is innocent. Levy’s mother had some choice words for the convicted killer. While I doubt this does much to heal the pain she is feeling, I am guessing this felt damn good. Sad.
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