The Moon Shines
The camera on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is pretty damn cool. This image is one of the most detailed photos of the moon ever produced and is actually one of the largest picture files ever. It is actually a composite of 1,300 photos. More.
While space in general freaks me out, the moon does not. Call me emo, but I love how moody it appears. I totally geeked out to the documentary “In the Shadow of the Moon," particularly when Michael Collins talks about orbiting the moon solo. That was pure gold.
Speaking of composites of photos, there are some incredible scenes on earth, too. Check out Swiss artist Corinne Vionnet’s series “Photo Opportunities” where she overlays hundreds of photos of popular tourist destinations. I am particularly fond of the Court of the Lions from the Alhambra.
Libya Update
Colonel Moammar Gadhafi (it is spelled so many ways, I can’t keep up) released a 75-minute rant today where said he would never leave Libya, he was not surrendering his country to “crazy people” and that he would die a martyr. Oh, he also took it to some biblical proportions when he threatened protesters that he would "cleanse Libya house by house."
He also praised his No. 2, interior minister Abdel Fattah Younes Obeidi, as a hero. Funny thing: Obeidi joined the opposition today. More.
Domino's to the Rescue
A Tennessee senior citizen’s devotion to mediocre pizza may have saved her life. Jean Wilson, 82, has ordered a large pepperoni pizza from Domino’s every day for the last three years, until Saturday when she fell and couldn’t get up or reach a telephone. On Monday, Susan Guy, her trusty delivery gal, got word that Wilson hadn’t ordered her ordered her daily pie in three days. Despite her manager's lack of urgency, Guy rushed to the scene and eventually called 911 where responders found Wilson. The little old lady is recovering and Guy is being heralded as a hero. Domino’s is even sending her on a trip. I wonder what happens to her boss that said “Naw, you don’t have to do that.” More.
While this story is sweet, I hate it when I become a regular at a fast food joint. I ate a lot of Wendy’s in college and always asked for chile sauce – for the fries. It is really freaking good. Don't judge me. – at the window. Well, one day I was about to ask for the sauce when the lady says “it’s already in the bag.” After shame eating that delicious grease I went on Atkins for two weeks. (Then I resumed my fast food devotion. Now the folks at Potbelly know how I like my turkey sandwich. I switch it up just to throw them off the scent, though.)
Reign of Rahm Has Begun
Rahm Emanuel is now the mayor elect of Chicago. Since leaving his post as the Chief of Staff in the Obama administration, Emanuel was always been the frontrunner, so this is not all that surprising. More.
I wonder what is going to happen to the MayorEmanuel twitter feed. The prankster has been hinting lately that it is set to end, but the tweet tonight at Michelle Malkin made my effing night.
I am glad the mayoral election is over, though. I was so annoyed with the ad campaigns of runner-up Gerry Chico that bashed Emanuel's suburban upbringing. While I am a staunchly proud of growing up in a city, I don’t like the idea of smearing a guy based on where his parents chose to live. Not to get philosophical, but life is a crapshoot – we all could have just as easily ended up in a Sally Struthers’ commercial.
Watch Wisconsin
The mess in Wisconsin continues to brew. On Tuesday, Gov. Scott Walker said state workers would face “dire consequences” if lawmakers fail to pass a bill that would strip labor unions of their bargaining rights. More.
So, Jon Stewart had some really funny and really interesting commentary on the Wisconsin debacle. Watch that here.
Rachel Maddow actually had more insightful commentary on the cheese state, however, every time I watch a Maddow rant I think about that scene at the end of The Goonies where Stef tells Mouth, “Your voice is kind of nice when your mouth isn't screwing it up.” I like Maddow and I think she has really interesting things to say, but her delivery can sometimes clog the message. You should still watch it. If you are one of those anti-MSNBC types, perhaps find a transcript?
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