This is how it starts! Today the computer wins on Jeopardy! Tomorrow he moves on to Wheel of Fortune, then Let’s Make a Deal, American Idol, Survivor, Biggest Loser, RuPaul’s Drag Race – then when he has enough money he launches a political action committee and becomes president and ruler of the free world. Then the birthers re-emerge and demand to see his certificate of authenticity, because they are convinced he was manufactured in China. More.
CBS Reporter Assaulted in Egypt
During the craze of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s resignation, CBS reporter Lara Logan was separated from her crew and was brutally attacked and sexually assaulted. A group of women and soldiers rescued her, she got the hell out of there and is recovering in a hospital in the U.S. As Gawker pointed out, it is odd that this happened on Friday and is just surfacing now.
CBS Reporter Assaulted in Egypt
During the craze of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s resignation, CBS reporter Lara Logan was separated from her crew and was brutally attacked and sexually assaulted. A group of women and soldiers rescued her, she got the hell out of there and is recovering in a hospital in the U.S. As Gawker pointed out, it is odd that this happened on Friday and is just surfacing now.
If you read one story today, please read this one. Shawna Forde, a woman member of the Minutemen, was convicted Monday of the 2009 murder of a father and daughter in Arizona. She and two of her fellow Minutemen, the anti-immigration group, decided to raid a home they suspected of housing a major drug operation. They didn’t find any, but still killed the father, shot the mother and despite the nine-year-old’s pleas, shot her in the head. More.
And She Loves Long Walks on the Beach
A list of five facts about new Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue covergirl Irina Shayk. I am guessing most men already know everything they need to know based on the cover. More.
That Egg Is Cracked
You know that ridiculous egg that Lady Gaga arrived to the Grammys in? She claims – and I suspect she fibs – she spent 72 hours "incubating" in that thing.
Yeah, Gags, we get it. You’re an artiste. But what if we turn that “vessel” into a time capsule and see how you are doing in a few years? We will pump oxygen and food down there for you, I just don’t want to see or hear about you for awhile. More.
My friend Renae Bruning is quoted in this story in the Denver Post about her work with students. I can still see Renae in 1999 sitting in the north lobby of George Washington High School waiting to go to the College Summit at the University of Colorado, Boulder. We didn’t know each other then, but that program changed our lives. Because of that program, we were both eligible for scholarships from the Daniels Fund. We were both awarded scholarships and in the fall of 2000 we both returned to Boulder as students. Renae has one of those fantastic stories of someone seeing the spark inside her and pushing her to succeed. Today she has a master’s degree in education and has dedicated her life to helping students find their way. Good job, pop tart.
My friend Renae Bruning is quoted in this story in the Denver Post about her work with students. I can still see Renae in 1999 sitting in the north lobby of George Washington High School waiting to go to the College Summit at the University of Colorado, Boulder. We didn’t know each other then, but that program changed our lives. Because of that program, we were both eligible for scholarships from the Daniels Fund. We were both awarded scholarships and in the fall of 2000 we both returned to Boulder as students. Renae has one of those fantastic stories of someone seeing the spark inside her and pushing her to succeed. Today she has a master’s degree in education and has dedicated her life to helping students find their way. Good job, pop tart.
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