Amazing Amazon
A tribal advocate released pictures on Monday of a previously unknown tribe in the Amazon jungle. The tribe is not completely shut-off from the outside world, evidenced by the dude with the machete and the pot -- which is totally for cowboy beans, right?
Anyway, the concept of a tribe that doesn’t have to deal with email and ditching friend requests from people they don’t like seems so interesting. Having said that, every time I hear about something like this, I think of this. Awful, I know.
Check them out. No National Geographic boobs, you sucios.
Bad, Very Bad
As the law stands, federal dollars cannot be used to finance abortions with the exception of rape or incest or if the mother’s life is in danger. A new piece of legislation that is floating around in the House, H.R. 3 or “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” would go a step further by blocking women from using their health savings account for an abortion.
This new piece of legislation would have the same caveats for abortions, with one tweak. One BIG tweak. It uses the term “forcible rape.” Observers have said that this term has the potential to legally change the definition of rape from any kind of non-consensual sex to basically that scary, back-alley kind of rape. That would not be good. More.
Chill, Dude
If you’re a Packers or Steelers fan, you might wanna up the Lipitor and pop another aspirin to thin that blood in anticipation of the Super Bowl this Sunday. A new study published in the medical journal Clinical Cardiology says that sports fanatics stress out way too much when their team loses and that can lead to a heart attack. More.
That’s why I say it is healthier not to care or just get too drunk to even notice?
Mubarak Won't Seek Re-election
After days of massive protests, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak announced on Tuesday that he plans to finish out his presidency, he would not seek re-election and that he is not leaving his homeland.
Who Can't Relate?
If you've survived your company's layoffs you are likely doing more work. The WSJ has a mildly interesting article about the "invisible promotion." More.
Is The Grass Greener? I Dunno, It Is Covered with Five Feet of Snow
There is a scary-ass-scary blizzard pummeling Chicago right now. I’ve been asked a handful of times to day if I miss Florida. Truthfully, a little bit. I am choosing this over this.
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