Egypt Erupts, Disconnects
Egypt is in chaos. Thousands of protesters are flooding Cairo calling for the end of President Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year rule. I can’t even begin to break down everything that is going on, but The Huffington Post has this incredible (and incredibly slow, at least on my computer) update page on everything going on there.
Egypt is in chaos. Thousands of protesters are flooding Cairo calling for the end of President Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year rule. I can’t even begin to break down everything that is going on, but The Huffington Post has this incredible (and incredibly slow, at least on my computer) update page on everything going on there.
The most startling thing has been the total shut-off of the Internet as the government tries to keep Egyptians cut off from the rest of the world. This Washington Post article discusses how a country just turns off the Internet.
OK, Then.
The Washington University student health advisory committee thought it was a good idea to bring Bristol Palin to speak at the school for its “sexual responsibility week” in February. Sexual responsibility, you say? Haven't we suffered enough? That’s like asking inviting Sarah Palin to lecture on, well, anything. Bristol Palin agreed because the school was going to pay her $20,000 and a girl’s gotta eat.
The good students of Washington were not having it, though. And the school pulled out.
The good students of Washington were not having it, though. And the school pulled out.
In related news, my lecture on astrophysics has also been cancelled. More.
Collision of the Bergs
This post is best told through my interpretation of Stefon: This Saturday night New York’s hottest club is SNL. This midtown studio finally answers the question: Is it even funny anymore? It has everything, moms with fupas, drunk frat boys, Jalapenos (Dutch Filipinos) Florida tourist freaks, lucha libre wrestlers, funny Jews that hang with Pee Wee Herman, one-trick ponies, overworked character actresses, plastic wrapper rappers, that kid that looks like Michael Cera, that guy that looks like the guy that looks like Michael Cera but is worth more than $50 billion. YES! Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.
A Happy New Year Indeed
There goes her resolution of clearing old numbers from her phone. Boom.
Numbers v. Numb#rs
The Minnesota Timberwolves are trying to get their boy Kevin Love a reserve spot for the All-Star Game next month. Since the Timberwolves suck and can’t get him based on their stats, they are resorting to stunts. Love is coming out with a fragrance, Numb#rs, that they hope will get him on the team. I am sure as an ode to White Diamonds, they filmed a commercial in black and white, too. Hey, those have always brought a friend of mine luck. More.
Collision of the Bergs
This post is best told through my interpretation of Stefon: This Saturday night New York’s hottest club is SNL. This midtown studio finally answers the question: Is it even funny anymore? It has everything, moms with fupas, drunk frat boys, Jalapenos (Dutch Filipinos) Florida tourist freaks, lucha libre wrestlers, funny Jews that hang with Pee Wee Herman, one-trick ponies, overworked character actresses, plastic wrapper rappers, that kid that looks like Michael Cera, that guy that looks like the guy that looks like Michael Cera but is worth more than $50 billion. YES! Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.
A Happy New Year Indeed
There goes her resolution of clearing old numbers from her phone. Boom.
Numbers v. Numb#rs
The Minnesota Timberwolves are trying to get their boy Kevin Love a reserve spot for the All-Star Game next month. Since the Timberwolves suck and can’t get him based on their stats, they are resorting to stunts. Love is coming out with a fragrance, Numb#rs, that they hope will get him on the team. I am sure as an ode to White Diamonds, they filmed a commercial in black and white, too. Hey, those have always brought a friend of mine luck. More.
Love said it smells like “good-smelling sweat.” I just hope it smells better than this. Nast. We get it Lady Gaga, you are edgy. Now just go away.
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