Hey Peeps!
Here is today's BarbaWire, marking two straight weeks of it. Any thoughts? Any misfires? Let me know!
Also, American Banker is a paid site, but today they made my story free. You should read it if only to see the kinds of things I cover. Here.
And Music Has Never Been the Same
Bob Dylan arrived in New York City 50 years ago this week. That is indisputably the coolest fact I’ve ever heard. In honor of the occasion, I listened to this and searched this all day. More.
With All Due Respect...
You know, when you are facing 107 years, you might as well do it with gusto. More.
Clearly, Zaire Paige knows his Ricky Bobby.
Rahm Supreme
Just when you thought he was out, Rahm gets pulled back in. On Tuesday, the Illinois Supreme Court said it would hear Chicago mayoral candidate and former chief-of-staff Rahm Emanuel’s residency case, putting a stay on an appellate court’s decision that Emanuel was not able to run for mayor because he did not pass the residency requirement for candidates. The court even called to stop the presses on the Rahm-less ballots. More.
It is obviously fake, but this has made me laugh for the past 24 hours. Ha.
How Long Is This Gonna Take?
Tonight is President Obama’s State of the Union address. So far, we know the speech will focus on jobs and his overview of how to reduce the deficit. He is expected to propose a 5-year freeze on all government spending not related to defense. He is also expected to encourage bipartisan dialog about how to implement that. Yeah, that would make sense since Democrats no longer control the House. More.
Hmm, I wonder how long I will be able to watch before I get bored. I mean it is not like there is a drinking game you can play. OH!
Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan is scheduled to give the GOP response. Then Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann will broadcast her own Tea Party response on the internet. Yeah, because she is credible.
Oscar Snubs!
The Oscar nominations are out. Check them out!
I haven’t seen all the movies nominated, but where in the world was Mila Kunis’ nomination? Not cool, Academy.
Christopher Nolan was also snubbed, even though Inception left me thinking “wha??”
Andrew Garfield was also absent, because he brought some much needed humanity to The Social Network. His freak-out was probably my favorite scene in the whole movie.
Trent Reznor was nominated for scoring of The Social Network. If he won he would be halfway to his EGOT!
I still really need to see Toy Story 3, but from everything I’ve heard I will need to hydrate for a week in advance and have my mom on speed dial. And perhaps a happy pill. My SAD is already too high for that kind of emotion right now.
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