Hey Peeps!
Hope you all had a great Wednesday.
Fear No More or No Less.
No more orange days! Woo hoo! Terrorism is over? No, we are just going to take a more localized and less scaremongering approach to warning people about potential terrorist situations. Is this because Obama doesn’t love America? Right?
Or the administration found that having Boehner’s natural hue for nine consecutive years – OK, there may have been a red or yellow day here and there – is not all that effective in keeping people aware. Or scared. More.
Mmm, Beer.
Draft Magazine has picked the 100 best beer bars in the U.S. I’ve hit all the Chicago ones and the one mentioned for Denver. (Side note: how on Earth did Colorado only get one? Travesty.) Anyway, who is up for a road trip? Who wants to be DD? More.
Obama, Please Take Notes Then Call Fox News
On Tuesday night Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi was tired of hearing his name and ther term "Bunga Bunga" on a talk show, so he called in and launched a two-minute rant.
Berlusconi is under investigation for throwing lavish sexy time parties where he propositioned a 17-year-old girl. The Time story discusses the racy TV culture in Italy that has largely been cultivated by Berlusconi. My favorite line in the story: The country's Minister for Equal Opportunity is a former topless model who Berlusconi once told he would "marry in an instant." Now why can’t US politics be that fun? More.
Higher Taxes or New Jersey?
New Jersey is running newspaper ads that try to lure Illinoisans and their businesses to the Garden State. You see, our state taxes are going up, so NJ governor Chris Christie thinks he can lure us there. More.
While I appreciate your offer, Guv, I think I’ll stay put. No offense to New Jersey – your state is filled with plenty of good people such as this delicate lady and recently this talented photographer, but you also have this dude.
A Galaxy Far, Far Away That Is Going to Keep Me Up for Hours
The Hubble has found a super old galaxy. Its light has been traveling to us for 13.2 billion years. That is about as far as I got into the article before my mind started to wonder about the vast abyss of the universe and how we are just a speck and how the sun is a star and someday that star will burn out and we will all freeze. Naturally, that moves me on to the whole concept of death and eternal life.
Please pass a paper bag, man, I’m freaking out! I have a hard enough time imagining that my parents existed before I was born. My mind is not ready to deal with galaxies that are billions of years old. More.
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