Obama 2012
President Obama is running for president again. We all knew that, but he officially filed the papers on Monday. The campaign price tag is expected to swell to $1 billion. He says he is just laying the groundwork for a great campaign. His critics questioned why he would launch it while our federal government faces a shutdown. More.
Politico presents the think piece about how much the internet has changed so much since 2008. I check Facebook about as much I as I did then. Has it really changed? Also, they call email and blogs passé. What the eff do they know? More.
I got an email from my bank on Saturday warning me to be vigilant with emails that appear to be from my bank. I actually figured the email itself was a phishing scam. Turns out Epsilon, an online marketer for every company and their mama, had a security breach with hackers getting our names and emails. Be suspicious. Trust no one. The truth is out there. More.
What a Terrifying View
Sunroofs are nice, but not at 36,000 feet. Passengers on a Sacramento-bound flight on Friday learned that lesson when a crack in the plane’s skin turned into a 4-foot hole where passengers could see blue skies and hear the tranquil sound of air when it is being sliced by a plane going more than 500 miles per hour. I am guessing that is kind of loud; a few passengers complained about inner ear issues. Luckily, those whiners had the opportunity to tell about their brush with death since the plane landed in Yuma shortly after the roof ripped off. Southwest has since grounded 79 planes for further inspection and has found cracks in a few. Other airlines may have to examine their planes, too. Southwest flies more often so its planes are under more stress. More and More.
Brewer's Fat Fine
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is proposing that Medicaid recipients who are overweight should pay a fine of $50 a year if they fail to work with their doctor to meet specific goals. She is also calling for a $50 annual fine for smokers. Medicaid is insurance provided by the government for those who either do not have a job or are on other forms of government aid. In the private sector, we are seeing more and more insurance companies charging higher premiums for smokers and overweight people and also incentivizing them with discounts if they stop smoking or try to lead more active lifestyles. For the weight issue, it is obviously a lot more complex than “drop the chunk or pay up,” but I definitely get this for smokers. If you can afford your smokes, you can afford the fine. Having said that, is Brewer going to implement a horrible human being fine, too? Pay up, Brew. More.
Wave of the Future
Sony is rumored to be building an 8-megapixel camera for the iPhone 5. I might not have the hoverboard that Michael J. Fox lead a young me to believe I would have by now, but I will soon have the phone I dreamed of in college. I remember saying that I wished there was a device that would be your phone, your music player and your digital camera all rolled up into one. I realize that what I am describing has been around for awhile now, but a Sony 8-megapixel camera in an iPhone just seems like the coolest thing ever. Well, of course until the phone becomes the nucleus of your being until you do what my good friend did – she spilled popcorn or marshmallow fluff or one of her many snacks on her snuggie. She went out on her balcony to shake it clean and forgot her iPhone was in her lap. Hub of her life splattered across the concrete. More.
God, sometimes I wish I still lived in Florida only to watch the news. This beauty was arrested for driving while drunk and carrying a whole lot of dope. Naturally, she was nekkid. Maybe her A/C was broken? It is kinda swampy out in Indiantown. More.
May I Suggest a Paper Bag, Ma'am?
Lady who has had too much plastic surgery is suing her plastic surgeon because now she can’t close her eyes. Oops. Her bad. Perhaps if she didn’t insist on having her skin as taut as a Wicker Park hipster’s jeggings she wouldn’t be having this problem. More.
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